Saturday, December 13, 2014

Class VIII: Television


This poem focuses on the concerns about the ill-effects of television on the young minds of young children. He says it numbs their brain and kills their imagination. It also distracts them from the joy of reading. The poem is written not from a child but from an adult’s point of view.

About Roald Dahl:

Roald Dahl was a British short-story writer and novelist. Some of his most popular works for children include James and the Giant Peach, Charlie and The Chocolate Factory and Matilda.

Text-book Exercise:

Answer the following questions:
  1. What is the most important thing that the poet has learnt?
Answer: The most important thing that the poet has learnt is that children should be kept away from the television set or not to install the television set at all.
  1. How does television keep the children still?
Answer: Children do weird things like climbing a window, jumping over it, etc. they may accidently hurt themselves. So, it is better to switch on the television and let them watch it to keep them still.
  1. What should parents do for the entertainment of their children?
Answer: Parent, instead of making their children watch TV so that they would be busy, should provide their kids with story books. When children will develop the habit of reading books, they will not feel like watching TV. They will enjoy reading books as it will help them imagining and entertaining.
  1. Name some of the things that the poet has seen in house which have televisions.
Ans: Children always are gaping at the TV screen. They loll, slop and lounge about while watching the television. They sit in front of the TV and stare it continuously.
  1. Describe the effects of television on children’s mind.
Ans: Watching television, according to the poet, is not good for younger minds. According to the poet, it kills their imagination; it blocks their minds, and makes them dull.
  1. According to the poet, what should be done to save children from the hypnotism of television?
Ans: According to the poet, children should be given different story books to read in order to save children from the hypnotism of television.
  1. How, according to the poet, can children benefit from reading books?
Ans: According to the poet, children should read book. It will help in developing their imagination and creative thinking skills. It will awaken their senses. It will give them enough opportunity to imagine and visualize a scene explain in the story.

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