Decisions go wrong, and there is nothing wrong about it.
When one way doesn’t work for us, we change it to other. We
choose the other way. But eventually when we find that the other way too is not
much effective, we get frustrated, and instead of finding out which way was
better, we curse the Way 2 and feel that Way 1 was better. Things are happening
the same way in education, especially when people praise ‘Vedic Education
System’ and curse ‘The New Education System’ brought by Lord Macaulay.
Both have their pros and cons, and for that matter, every
education system has. Education system cannot be changed from A to B. It has to
evolve from A to better A to Best A. But if asked which one is better in the
cases of Vedic Education and the new Macaulay education, we should look for the
one which has lesser cons.

Vedic Education system emphasized upon ‘learning
by heart’ and not by finding the universal reasoning for anything. Students,
studying in Ashramas, were taught about the Vedas without questioning them.
This is SANATAN way of education. The word SANATAN stands for things that has
no birth and are prevailed in the society since ages. Better way to understand
is, SANATAN means something given by GOD and not to be challenge. For me, the
real education starts in challenging the wrongs and finding what the truth
is. For example: There are many pundits who teach their current generation
about Pooja Path, about how to take Satya Narayan Puja and all. They teach
them about the rituals and the methods. But the student is not supposed to
ask any question that will put the teacher in dilemma. The student is not
supposed to ask any question that arouses his rational thinking, universal
Vedic Education was confined only for a particular
stratum of the society. For example: In Vedic Era, only Brahmins were allowed
to teach only to Brahmins. So who will be educated? Only Brahmins. What about
other strata of the society? Shudras were not the part of this education
system. So, it would be very right to say, that Vedic Education System did
not believe in inclusiveness. Not everybody was included in the system. On
the other hand, those who wanted to be a part of system, were sidelined by
cruel intentions. For example: How Eklavya was thrown out of the competition
by the Guru Drona. On the other hand, Macaulay’s education system brought all
the members of the society together in the mainstream education, proposed
special facilities for those who couldn’t afford it.
The entire concept of Vedas is put into the culture
for making mental slaves. Manusmirti was also written in the times of Vedas,
and can be called as one of the Vedic Literature. But, it criticizes women
calling women good for nothing but for taking care of the families. There are
many objectionable things written about women and untouchables in Manusmriti.
How can we say that such Vedic Literature is to be accepted in today’s era?
Manusmiriti classified people and pave the road of RACISM and CASTISM in
Indian Soil. Now people who defend Vedas will says that Varna System was for
division of labour, but my question will be if it was for division of labour,
why there is no history or literature that talked about a Shudra becoming a
Brahmin. So, it is very much clear that Vedas talk not about division of
labour, but division of laborers.
Lack of rational thinking, lack of
inquisitiveness is also one of the characteristics of Vedic Education.
It is said that Vedic Education System talked
about Wisdom. But to reach wisdom, one has to go through following steps:
Data – Information – Knowledge - Wisdom
But when the very first step of Knowledge relies much on some supernatural element, or on some element whose existence has not been proved yet, and will not be proved, the last step of wisdom becomes mere a dream.
5) Vedic Education system was closed. Completely closed. Data limited. Authenticity of the data was not verified. Conclusions were not checked and verified under different variables. May be that's why there wasn't any Issac Newton produced by Vedic Education.
When we have so many flows, which if accepted in today's generation would create a wide disparity amongst social classes and would create 'by heart learners', calling Vedic Education System as an alternative to Macaulay's Education System wouldn't be a nice idea.
I know Macaulay's education system too wasn't good as it, according to most of us, created clerks. But still Macaulay's education system believes in equality, liberty and the most important, in rationality. We cannot finalize an education system, it has to evolve with evolving times.
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